Advantages of Onsite Shredding
On-site shredding can save you time and money by eliminating the need to transport your documents to a shredding facility. At Viking Shred, our industrial-level shredding trucks with CCTV cameras will arrive at your premises to destroy your old documents and streamline the process, maximizing efficiency and minimizing overhead costs for additional resources.
Our on-site paper shredding services in San Jose adhere to state, local, and even environmental regulations for proper disposal of electronic waste and other hazardous materials to minimize environmental impact. We incorporate green technology, including biodegradable hydraulic oil, low-emission shredding trucks, and advanced air filtration systems. Whether you're faced with stacks of records accumulated over time or a cache of files requiring disposal, Viking Shred has the expertise and advanced equipment to process various materials, including documents with staples, paper clips, and more. We regularly maintain and repair our shredding equipment to prevent breakdowns and ensure that your documents are being shredded properly.